Garmin GPS Not Working | Why My GPS Is Not Working

The issue of Garmin GPS Not Working could be frustrating sometimes especially when you are driving to an unknown place. Today, we all are totally dependent on GPS devices. But, when it stops working properly the users have to go through several problems. 

In this guide, we are going to explain all the reasons why your GPS device is not responding. Also, we will let you know all the methods required to fix this issue. 

Garmin GPS Not Working

How To Fix When Garmin GPS Not Working?

Below, we are going to tell you some common troubleshooting methods to fix why Garmin Gps Not Charging. 

  1. Soft Reset Your Garmin GPS Device 

Do you know resetting any technical device is the universal solution? Hence, we are going to tell you how to reset the Garmin GPS device. 

  • To give your Garmin device a quick restart, turn off the Garmin GPS device Garmin GPS Not Working. 

  • Remove the power cable from the wall outlet. 

  • Wait for at least 60 seconds and turn on the GPS device again. 

  • Put the Garmin device back into the vehicle and check if it is working again or not. 

  1. Hard Reset Your Garmin GPS Device 

If you have tried to fix the device via soft reset but your Garmin GPS Not Working yet then perform a quick hard reset. 

  • Remove all the devices and the power cable from your Garmin GPS. 

  • On the GPS device, you will find a reset button. 

  • You need to long-press the reset button until it will not restart again. 

  • Once the device will be restarted again, check if your Garmin has started working or not. 

Let us tell you that once you will hard reset your Echo device, all the saved data, preferences, favorites, and local settings will be deleted. 

  1. Charge The Battery Of Garmin Device

It could be possible that you haven’t charged the battery of your Garmin. This is the reason why your Garmin GPS Not Working properly. Hence, recharge your Garmin GPS device to fix this issue. 

  1. Corrupted SD Card 

A corrupted SD card inserted in the GPS device will immediately stop a GPS device to work properly. Hence, you need to replace the SD card for the proper working of your Garmin device. 

Garmin GPS Not Working: Frozen Garmin GPS Touchscreen 

Most of the time, the Garmin GPS stopped working because of a frozen screen. Below, we are going to tell you all the steps that will help you to fix Garmin GPS frozen screen. 

  • Open the “menu” and go to “option” and then choose “system” followed by “calibration”. 

  • Choose the option of “calibration”. 

  • This will help to calibrate your device option. 

How To Fix When You Found No Sound In Garmin GPS Device?

Follow the steps given below to fix the sound issue with your GPS device. 

  • You need to make sure that the wires of speakers are properly connected to the GPS device. 

  • Check the level of the volume by pressing the +/- button given on the GPS device. It could be possible that someone has lowered the volume level. 

  • Make sure that you haven’t set your Echo device to mute. 

  • To check the settings, press “OSD” on your remote control panel and click on adjust the option to check your settings. 


At the end of this article, we just want to say that the issue of Garmin GPS Not Working could be easily fixed with the help of this guide. We have given all the methods and the reasons why your GPS is not working. So, when the next you find that your GPS not working, do follow this guide completely.


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